An Introduction to Gerbil

This is a quick introductory guide to Gerbil for seasoned schemers; it assumes familiarity with scheme and exposure to a couple of different implementations.

In the following, $ is the shell prompt and > the gxi interpreter prompt.

Using Gerbil

The Gerbil interpreter is /opt/gerbil/bin/gxi, and the compiler is /opt/gerbil/bin/gxc, assuming the default installation prefix.

If you want an interactive Gerbil shell just execute the interpreter directly by running gxi.

Hello world

Add /opt/gerbil/bin to your path and invoke the interpreter for the obligatory "hello, world":

$ export PATH=$PATH:/opt/gerbil/bin
$ gxi
> (displayln "hello, world")
hello, world

The "hello, world" script:

$ cat > <<EOF
#!/usr/bin/env gxi

(def (main . args)
  (displayln "hello, world"))
$ chmod +x
hello, world

The "hello, world" executable:

$ cat > gerbil.pkg <<EOF
(package: example)

$ cat > <<EOF
(export main)
(def (main . args)
  (displayln "hello, world"))

$ gxc -O -exe -o hello
$ ./hello
hello, world

Core Gerbil

Primitive forms

The standard Scheme primitive forms and macros are all supported.

Runtime bindings are defined with the short forms def and defvalues:

(def (say-hello who)
  (displayln "hello " who))

(defvalues (a b)
  (values 1 2))

For those who prefer the classic long forms, define and define-values are also available as in standard Scheme.

Procedures are defined with lambda and can have optional and keyword formal arguments:

(def (a-simple-function a b)
  (+ a b))
> (a-simple-function 1 2)

(def (an-opt-lambda a (b 1))
  (+ a b))
> (an-opt-lambda 1)

(def (a-keyword-lambda a b: (b 1))
  (+ a b))
> (a-keyword-lambda 1)
> (a-keyword-lambda 1 b: 2)

(def (a-keyword-lambda-with-options a b: (b 1) (c 3) . rest)
 (+ a (* b c)))
> (a-keyword-lambda-with-options 1)
> (a-keyword-lambda-with-options 1 b: 2)
> (a-keyword-lambda-with-options 1 b: 2 4)

Multiple arity lambdas can be declared with case-lambda:

(def my-case-lambda
    ((a b) (+ a b))
    ((a) (+ a 1))))

; or the short definition form
(def* my-case-lambda
  ((a b) (+ a b))
  ((a) (+ a 1)))

Let bindings can have a short form for single arguments, as well as multiple value bindings mixed in:

> ((let (x 1) (lambda (y) (+ x 1))) 1)
> (let ((values a b) (values 1 2)) (+ a b))
> (let ((x 1)
        ((values y z) (values 2 3)))
    (+ x y z))

Note that the _ identifier is reserved for bindings to mean the null binding; that is the expression value is ignored and no lexical binding is generated:

(def (a-function x . _) ; accepts 1 or more ignored args
 (+ x 1))
> (a-function 1 2)

Apart from cons and list, pairs and lists can also be constructed with short-hand syntax using square brackets:

; cons a pair
> [1 . 2]
(1 . 2)
; cons a list
> [1 2 3]
(1 2 3)

The short-hand syntax also supports list splicing using using the ellipsis ...:

; splice nested list
> [1 2 [3 4 5] ... 6]
(1 2 3 4 5 6)

Bindings can be mutated with set! as usual.

> (def a #f)
> (set! a 'a)
> a

set! also expands with s-expressions as the target of mutation. When the head of the s-expression is a setf-macro it is invoked to expand the syntax. If the head is a plain identifier, as is the case in the example below, it expands to an identifier-set! invocation.

> (def a-pair (cons 'a 'b))
> (set! (car a-pair) 'c)
> (car a-pair)

Finally, macros that mixin the setq-macro class, like the ones created by identifier-rules, can also be the target of mutation which leads to an expander application.

All the usual Scheme macros are available, with common syntactic forms described later in the guide.

Pattern Matching

Gerbil uses pattern matching extensively, so a suitable match macro is provided by the language. The pattern language is similar to plt's match macro, with structs destuctured by the structure name. In addition, the square brackets destructure lists symmetrically to their construction.

For example:

(def (my-destructurer obj)
 (match obj
   ([a . b]
    (printf "a pair (~a . ~a)~n" a b)
   ((point-3d x y z)
    (printf "a 3d-point (~a ~a ~a)~n" x y z)
   ((point x y)
    (printf "a 2d point (~a ~a)~n" x y)
   (else 'something-else)))
> (my-destructurer [1 2 3])
a pair (1 . (2 3))
> (my-destructurer (make-point 1 2))
a 2d point (1 2)
> (my-destructurer (make-point-3d 1 2))
a 3d-point (2 0 0)

Destructuring Binds

Gerbil's match provides a shorthand syntax for match lambdas:

(def car+cdr (match <> ([a . b] (values a b))))
> (car+cdr [1 2 3])
values 1 '(2 3)

It is also common to destructure-bind an object, thus a common destructuring-bind form with is provided. The form can bind a single object with short-hand notation or multiple objects with a let-style head:

(def (car+cdr obj)
  (with ([a . b] obj)
    (values a b)))

(def (car+cdrx2 lsta lstb)
  (with (([a-car . a-cdr] lsta)
         ([b-car . b-cdr] lstb))
     (values a-car a-cdr b-car b-cdr)))


Gerbil has pervasive macro facilities and is a macro-rich language. The full meta-syntactic tower is provided, with macro hygiene support with syntax-case and quote-syntax.


Most macros are simple and medium syntax-rules macros, and thus Gerbil provides a short form for defining syntax-rules macros:

(defrules macro-id (id ...)
 (head [guard] body) ...)
; equivalent:
(defsyntax macro-id
  (syntax-rules (id ...)
    (head [guard] body) ...))


More complicated macros are defined defsyntax and syntax-case directly. Here is an example that introduces an identifier hygienically:

(defsyntax (with-magic stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
   ((macro expr body ...)
    (with-syntax ((magic-id (datum->syntax #'macro 'magic)))
      #'(let (magic-id expr) body ...)))))
> (with-magic 3 (+ magic 1))


The match expander is also macro capable; you can define a match macro with defsyntax-for-match, which has the following form:

(defsyntax-for-match id match-macro [macro])

Both macros are procedures at phi+1, with the match-macro invoked when expanding a match pattern and the optional normal macro invoked at normal procedure application.

For example, the following defines a match macro for constructing and destructuring pairs tagged with 'foo:

(defsyntax-for-match foo
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ pat) (cons 'foo pat)))
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ val) (cons 'foo val))))

> (def my-foo (foo 1))
> my-foo
(foo . 1)
> (match my-foo ((foo x) x))
> (def my-bar (cons 'bar 2))
> (match my-bar ((foo x) x) (else 'not-a-foo))


If you need to shift the phase of the expander to evaluate support code for macros, you can do so with begin-syntax:

(begin-syntax form ...)

For example, the following macro uses a utility function in the fender, which is defined at phi=+1:

  (def (identifier-or-keyword? stx)
    (or (identifier? stx)
        (stx-keyword? stx)))

  (def (identifiers-or-keywords? lst)
    (andmap identifier-or-keyword? lst)))

(defrules qlist ()
  ((_ (key val) ...)
   (identifiers-or-keywords? #'(key ...))
   [['key . val] ...]))

The full meta-syntactic tower is supported, so you can use the full language at phi=+1 and shift higher with a nested begin-syntax. You will have to import :gerbil/core at higher phases however, as the prelude only provides bindings for phi=+1.

Objective Gerbil

Gerbil has deeply integrated support for object-oriented programming based on a well developed Meta-Object Protocol (MOP), in the same spirit as the CLOS MOP. The fundamental building blocks are classes, which can have arbitrary inheritance (acyclic) graphs, and define slots and methods.

Slots are the attributes of an object, accessible by slot accessors and mutators, while methods are procedures attached to the class to implement object behavior. We also support structs as a special type of classes, which have a fixed slot layout and by necessity constrain the inheritance graph to have a linear chain of structs at the tail whose slot layout and precedence list are preserved by subclasses.

Furthermore, we support interfaces, which are akin to typeclasses and pack an object together with its resolved and runtime specialized methods. This allows us to completely eliminate dynamic dispatch overhead and move contract checks at the interface call boundary.

Finally, we also support generics with class-based multimethod dispatch, as part of the standard library.

In the following we give a quick overview of Gerbil's object oriented programming facilities.

Classes and Objects

Defining Classes

We can define a new class with the defclass macro.

For instance, here is a simple class hierarchy:

(defclass Point (x y))
(defclass (Point3D Point) (z))

Here we have a class Point and its 3D extension, Point3D. The Point class has two slots, x and y, representing the 2D cartesian coordinates of the point its instances represent. Point3D adds an additional slot, with the 3rd dimension z.

After we have defined our classes, we can instantiate objects using the class name, taking keyword arguments for the slot initializers:

> (def a (Point x: 1 y: 2))
> a
#<Point #3>
> (def b (Point3D x: 0 y: 1 z: 2))
> b
#<Point3D #4>
> (Point? a)
> (Point? b)
> (Point3D? a)
> (Point3D? b)

We can also initialize using the generated make-Point and make-Point3D constructors, or the low level initializer make-instance:

> (make-Point x: 1 y: 2)
#<Point #5>
> (make-instance Point::t x: 1 y: 2)
#<Point #6>

Of course, we are not limited to single inheritance. Here is an extended hierarchy that defines colored points:

(defclass Color (r g b))

(defclass (ColoredPoint Point Color) ())
(defclass (ColoredPoint3D Point3D Color) ())

and here is a red point:

> (def c (ColoredPoint3D x: 1 y: 2 z: 3 r: 255 g: 0 b: 0))
> c
#<ColoredPoint3D #7>
> (Point? c)
> (Point3D? c)
> (Color? c)


Slots define attributes of the object and represent state, as encapsulated in the object. When a class is created, a field layout for its slots is created and stored in a table in the class, which allows us to map a slot to a field in the object. Slots are strongly named, and synonymous slots in the class hierarchy coalesce to the same field in the object.

We can access or mutate a slot in a type-safe manner using the generated accessors and mutators:

> (Point-x a)
> (set! (Point-x a) 2)
#<Point #3>
> (Point-x a)

Alternatively, we can use the @ dynamic slot operator:

> (@ a x)
> (set! (@ a x) 1)
#<Point #3>
> (@ a x)

It should be noted that the slot layout is not guaranteed to be the same for subclasses, unless they have the struct property (see Structs below). So, unless the class is final or a struct, or the object is an exact instance when using the type-safe accessors and mutators, accessing a slot requires a (slower) dynamic lookup.


Methods define the behavior for objects of a class. Methods are procedures which take the object as first argument with method arguments following. Methods are defined with defmethod and invoked dynamically with the {} dynamic call operator.

Here is an example in our color and point hierarchy:

(defmethod {colorize Color}

(defmethod {colorize Point}
  (lambda (self)
    (if (Color? self)
      (ColoredPoint x: (@ self x)
                    y: (@ self y)
                    r: 0 g: 0 b: 0))))

(defmethod {colorize Point3D}
  (lambda (self)
    (if (Color? self)
      (ColoredPoint3D x: (@ self x)
                      y: (@ self y)
                      z: (@ self z)
                      r: 0 g: 0 b: 0))))

Here we define a colorize method that takes no arguments and returns a colored version of a point. We define it as identity for instances of Color, as the object is colored already. For instances of Point and Point3D we define it as constructor for the color mixin of the object, colored black.

And here is some example usage:

> {colorize a}
#<ColoredPoint #16>
> {colorize b}
#<ColoredPoint3D #17>
> {colorize c}
#<ColoredPoint3D #7>
> (def white (Color r: 255 g: 255 b: 255))
> {colorize white}
#<Color #19>

Method Resolution Order

So how do methods get dispatched? As we have seen we have defined the method at several classes, how does the runtime system know which method to pick?

This is where the Method Resolution Order comes in place, which is enacted by linearizing the class graph in a precedence list. The method is first resolved at the concrete class; if it is not defined, the precedence list is traversed until a definition is found. If no definition is found the method resolution fails.

The algorithm used by Gerbil for class graph linearization is an algorithm we dub C4. It is based on the formal C3 algorithm, extended to support linear struct constraints.

In the example hierarchy above, here is the precedence list for the ColoredPoint3D class:

> (class-precedence-list ColoredPoint3D::t)
(#<type #23 ColoredPoint3D>
 #<type #13 Point3D>
 #<type #24 Point>
 #<type #25 Color>
 #<type #26 object>
 #<type #27 t>)

Here we see the expected classes up until color, and then we have the object class, which is the class of all standard class instances, and t, which is the top class. These are System Classes, which we discuss below.


As we have mentioned, the slot layout of classes (unless they are final) is in general not fixed and can change based on the mixins further down the inheritance graph. This is very flexible, but it also comes at a cost: unless the class is exact, slot access will incur dynamic slot resolution overhead (basically a hash table lookup).

Is there a way to have a fixed layout for performance critical classes? The answer is, of course, yes: Gerbil supports structs, which are classes with the special property that all structs in the inheritance graph form a linear chain. More specifically, the precedence list of a struct is always a suffix of that of its subclasses, and its slot layout is always a prefix of the slot layout of its subclasses This ensures that all subclasses of a struct will have the same layout for the slots of the struct and slot access becomes just a memory reference.

Struct classes are defined with defstruct or by passing the struct: #t directive in the body of a defclass incantation.

So let's redefine the hierarchy above such that Point and Point3D are structs, while Color remains a mixin class:

(defstruct Point (x y))
(defstruct (Point3D Point) (z))

(defclass Color (r g b))

(defclass (ColoredPoint Color Point) ())
(defclass (ColoredPoint3D Color Point3D) ())

> (def a (Point 1 2))
> (def b (Point3D 1 2 3))
> (def c (ColoredPoint3D x: 1 y: 2 z: 3 r: 255 g: 0 b: 0))
> a
#<Point #3>
> b
#<Point3D #4>
> (Point? a)
> (Point? b)
> (Point3D? a)
> (Point3D? b)
> (Point? c)
> (Point3D? c)
> (Color? c)

A couple of things to notice here:

  • when mixing in classes and inheriting structs, the struct type must be last in the inheritance list in defclass or whatever follows it must be a super class of it. This is by design, in order to retain the properties of the C3 algorithm in C4.
  • the struct constructor is a (faster) positional argument constructor that directly initialize fields in the object. That is, slots are not identified by keyword, but instead by position.

Other than that, nothing changes in terms of usage -- with the advantage that the type-safe accessors for Point and Point3D slots are significantly faster. They don't have to perform a dynamic lookup for the slot offset at runtime, as this is fixed at expansion time.

Constructor Methods

So far we have seen that classes by default get a keyword initializing constructor, but when they are structs they get a positional argument constructor. But what if the desired constructor doesn't match these defaults and instead we want a custom behavior? This of course is not a problem, we can define a constructor method with the constructor: <method-id> directive in defclass (or defstruct).

For example here is a constructor for Point3D that makes z optional and initializes it by default to 0:

(defstruct (Point3D Point) (z)
  constructor: :init!)

(defmethod {:init! Point3D}
  (lambda (self x y (z 0))
    (set! (Point3D-x self) x)
    (set! (Point3D-y self) y)
    (set! (Point3D-z self) z)))

> (def a (Point3D 1 2))
> (Point3D-z a)

Note that if one of your super-classes defines a constructor, you must also define a constructor which by default has the same name as the super constructor. If you have conflicting constructor method names for your super classes, you must explicitly specify the constructor method for your class. This situation is best avoided by using the convention of naming the constructor method :init!.

System Classes

If you recall the Method Resolution Order section, the class precedence list for ColoredPoint3D automagically contained two classes named object and t at the tail. So what are those classes and where did they come from?

These are what we call system classes -- these are abstract classes (they cannot be instantiated with make-instance) that represent the root of the system hierarchy. Every class created by user programs has object::t and t::t automatically injected at the tail of its precedence list. This allows us to have specific classes for every point in the hierarchy and allows us to define default methods for every standard object by binding a method in object::t or every object in the system by binding a method in t::t.

This begs the question, why are object::t and t::t separate? The answer is that there are objects in the system that are not standard objects, ie they don't follow the standard object layout. These are primitive types (like pairs, strings and procedures) or system defined structured types deep in the bowels of the gambit runtime.

So do these objects have a class? The answer is yes, of course -- everything has a class in Gerbil! So how do we get the class of such objects? Easy, use the class-of operator or reference them by name to define methods in them.

Here is an example for list:

> (class-of '(1 2 3))
#<type #33 pair>
> pair::t
#<type #33 pair>
> (class-type-precedence-list pair::t)
(#<type #34 list> #<type #27 t>)

Here is another example that defines methods at various points in the system class hierarchy:

(defmethod {identify :t}
  (lambda (obj) 't))
(defmethod {identify :object}
  (lambda (obj) 'object))
(defmethod {identify :list}
  (lambda (obj) 'list))
(defmethod {identify :number}
  (lambda (obj) 'number))
(defmethod {identify :fixnum}
  (lambda (obj) 'fixnum))

> {identify (Point 1 2)}
> {identify '(1 2 3)}
> {identify 1}
> {identify 1.0}
> {identify (current-thread)}

The complete system class hierarchy is out of scope for this introduction, but you can find it in the runtime and the meta types in the MOP part of the core prelude.


As we have mentioned, interfaces provide a mechanism to pack objects together with relevant methods. Interfaces define procedures for their methods, which may have contracts that are checked at the interface boundary -- see Contracts below. When an interface method is invoked, the receiver is cast to the interface, the contract (if any) is checked and the method is invoked directly from the packed instance thus evading dynamic method dispatch.

The first time an object of a specific class is cast to an interface, the class is specialized (see Interface Instance Specialization below), the methods required by the interface are resolved, and a prototype instance of the interface is created and cached. Subsequent casts use the cached prototype instance by copying and setting the receiver object. Thus interfaces provide a powerful and efficient mechanism for defining facades to objects without caring about the underlying implementation details.

Interfaces are defined using the interface macro from the :std/interface standard library module.

Here is an example for our colorful point hierarchy:

(interface Colorizer

> (def c (ColoredPoint3D x: 1 y: 2 z: 3 r: 255 g: 0 b: 0))
> (def ci (Colorizer c))
> ci
#<Colorizer #9>
> (ColoredPoint3D? ci)
> (Colorizer-colorize ci)
#<ColoredPoint3D #10>

For more details, please refer to the Interfaces Reference section of the hyperspec.


As we mentioned contracts can be attached to interface methods, which are then enforced at the interface boundary. Contracts allow us to write method implementations knowing that any access through the interface ensure that the contract conditions are satisfied.

A contract specification in general looks like this

(interface SomeInterface
  (some-method (arg contract ... [default ...]) ...))

  :  <class-or-interface>   ; type check
  :- <class-or-interface>   ; type assertion
  :~ <predicate expression> ; predicate check

For instance, here is an interface with an attached contract:

(interface Sequence
  (ref  (index :~ fx>=0?))
  (set! (index :~ fx>=0?) value)

Here we define a sequence interface with three methods: ref,set!, and length. The ref method accepts an index, which must be a non negative fixnum. The set! method accepts an index (again a non negative fixnum) and an arbitrary value. The length method returns the length of the sequence.

Type Annotations and Dotted Notation

We briefly touched on contracts above, but there is an important detail that is worth elaborating upon. Contracts can also be enacted in arbitrary context with the ubiquitous using macro. Furthermore, within the body of a using incantation, bound variables acquire dotted access for interface methods and slots.

Here is an example:

(import :std/contract)
(defstruct A (x y))
(defclass (B A) (z) constructor: :init!)
(defmethod {:init! B}
  (lambda (self x y z)
    (using (self :- B)
      (set! self.x x)
      (set! self.y y)
      (set! self.z z))))

> (def b (B 1 2 3))
> (using (b : B) (* (+ b.x b.y) b.z))

For a more interesting example, let's make an extensible vector implementing the Sequence interface from above:

(defclass ExtensibleVector (vector))

(defmethod {ref ExtensibleVector}
  (lambda (self index)
    (using (self :- ExtensibleVector)
      (and (< index (vector-length self.vector))
           (vector-ref self.vector index)))))

(defmethod {set! ExtensibleVector}
  (lambda (self index value)
    (using (self :- ExtensibleVector)
      (if (< index (vector-length self.vector))
        (vector-set! self.vector index value)
        ;; extend the vector
        (let (new-vector (make-vector (1+ index) #f))
          (subvector-move! self.vector 0 (vector-length self.vector)
                           new-vector 0)
          (vector-set! new-vector index value)
          (set! self.vector new-vector))))))

(defmethod {length ExtensibleVector}
  (lambda (self)
    (using (self :- ExtensibleVector)
      (vector-length self.vector))))

Notice the use of type assertions for self above; this is an unchecked type declaration -- unchecked because there is no reason to check if the object is behind the interface! Furthermore there is no need to check for a negative index, as this is checked at the interface barrier.

And here is some example usage of ExtensibleVectors as Sequences:

> (def ev (Sequence (ExtensibleVector vector: (vector))))
> (using (ev : Sequence) (ev.ref 0))
> (using (ev : Sequence) (ev.length))
> (using (ev : Sequence) (ev.set! 0 'hello) (ev.set! 1 'world))
#<ExtensibleVector #12>
> (using (ev : Sequence) (ev.ref 0))
> (using (ev : Sequence) (ev.ref 1))
> (using (ev : Sequence) (ev.length))

Finally, it should also be noted that the {} dynamic method call operator also allows the use of a dotted identifier at he head. In this manner, {a.some-method arg ...} is equivalent to {some-method a arg ...}. This provides symmetry between dotted slot access and method invocation.

See the Contracts Reference section of the hyperspace for more details.

Runtime Specialization

As we have seen so far, the object oriented facilities of Gerbil are quite flexible and powerful; however, there is the issue of dynamic dispatch overhead, which is particularly pronounced in heavy method interactions and deep class hierarchies. This makes you wonder, is there anything we can do to eliminate this cost? It would be quite unfortunate to have such powerful facilities and be afraid to use them because of performance concerns!

But fear not, Gerbil supports runtime specialization which provides a mechanism to eliminate dynamic dispatch overhead for certain wide and very important patterns. In brief, when a method is bound for some class, the compiler may also generate a specializer, which is a procedure that can specialize a method for a concrete class at runtime and construct a method table where all methods are devirtualized on self. This mechanism comes into play with class sealing and interface instance specialization.

Class Sealing

Class sealing is applicable to final classes, that is classes that cannot be extended further. In this case, we can invoke seal-class! and this will specialize and replace the class method table with a new table where all methods are direct and specialized for the concrete class.

Interface Instance Specialization

This is the more interesting case, as it is applicable to any class that is cast to an interface. When the instance prototype is constructed, the class is specialized for the concrete runtime class. As a result, all resolved methods in the interface instance are specialized!

Combine this with passing interface instances as arguments to methods, and the entire class hierarchy is devirtualized at the interface barrier! And thus you have the freedom to enjoy fearless object oriented programming.

Performance Effects

In order to better understand the performance effects of runtime specialization, let's examine a simple case. Here, we define the following code in a module specialization-example in the example package:

(import :std/interface :std/contract :std/iter)
(export #t)

(defclass A (a))
(defclass B (b))
(defclass (C A B) (c))
(defclass (D A B) (d))
(defclass (E C D) (e) final: #t)

(interface I
  (mul-c x y))

(defmethod {add-a A}
  (lambda (self x)
    (+ (@ self a) x)))

(defmethod {add-b B}
  (lambda (self x)
    (+ (@ self b) x)))

(defmethod {mul-c C}
  (lambda (self x y)
    (* (@ self c) {self.add-a x} {self.add-b y})))

(def (do-method o n)
  (for (x (in-range n))
    {o.mul-c 1 2}))

(def (do-interface o n)
  (using (i (I o) : I)
    (for (x (in-range n))
      (i.mul-c 1 2))))

Here we define a rather deep hierarchy (for illustration purposes) culminating in a final (so that it can be sealed) class E. The public method of interest is mul-c, which we define as part of an interface I.

After compiling the module (with optimizations enabled of course), we can observe the following:

> (import :example/specialization-example)
> (def o (E a: 1 b: 2 c: 3 d: 4 e: 5))

> (time (do-method o 10000000))
(time (example/specialization-example#do-method o '10000000))
    3.335598 secs real time
    3.335501 secs cpu time (3.323579 user, 0.011922 system)
    48 collections accounting for 0.332099 secs real time (0.332040 user, 0.000000 system)
    1919574560 bytes allocated
    6747 minor faults
    no major faults
    8709941202 cpu cycles

> (seal-class! E::t)
#<type #9 E>
> (time (do-method o 10000000))
(time (example/specialization-example#do-method o '10000000))
    0.384692 secs real time
    0.384693 secs cpu time (0.384693 user, 0.000000 system)
    no collections
    64 bytes allocated
    no minor faults
    no major faults
    1004504206 cpu cycles

> (time (do-interface o 10000000))
(time (example/specialization-example#do-interface o '10000000))
    0.113887 secs real time
    0.113890 secs cpu time (0.113890 user, 0.000000 system)
    no collections
    288 bytes allocated
    no minor faults
    no major faults
    297373376 cpu cycles

So as you can see, the performance effects of runtime specialization can be quite spectacular!


Finally, in true LISP fashion, Gerbil also supports generic multimethod dispatch in the :std/generic library.

For example, the following defines a generic method my-add that dispatches on numbers and strings:

(defgeneric my-add
  (lambda args #f)) ; default method returns #f

(defmethod (my-add (a :number) (b :number))
  (+ a b))
(defmethod (my-add (a :string) (b :string))
  (string-append a b))

The code defined a generic method with the defgeneric macro, providing a default method which is dispatched when there are no matching methods. Next, we defined the two methods, operating on numbers and strings. We can use the generic method as a procedure:

> (my-add 1 2)
> (my-add "a" "b")

We can define methods for any class. Here we define an implementation for instances of a struct A:

(defstruct A (x))

> (my-add (make-A 1) (make-A 2))

(defmethod (my-add (a A) (b A))
  (make-A (+ (A-x a) (A-x b))))

> (my-add (make-A 1) (make-A 2))
#<A a: 3>

Inside the body of every method implementation, @next-method is bound to a procedure which dispatches to the next matching method. For example:

(defmethod (my-add (a :fixnum) (b :fixnum))
  (displayln "add fixnums")
  (@next-method a b))

Normally in the procedure body we would add with fx+, but for the sake of the example we display a message and let the generic number method to add.

> (my-add 1 2)
add fixnums

Modules, Libraries, and Executables

Modules are self-contained pieces of code. All identifiers used in the runtime of the module must be bound. They are either available from the prelude, imported from another module, or declared as extern to indicate runtime-provided identifiers.

Modules can be declared at the top level with the module special form, can be defined in a file, or can be part of a library. They can also be nested in another module.

Top Modules

Here is an example of a simple top module, which provides a function that uses display-exception from the runtime as extern:

(module A
  (export with-display-exception)
  (extern (display-exception display-exception))
  (def (with-display-exception thunk)
    (with-catch (lambda (e) (display-exception e (current-error-port)) e)
> (import A)
> (with-display-exception (lambda () (error 'it-is-an-error)))
#<error-exception #5>

Imports and Exports

Identifiers are imported from a module with the import special form, which must appear at a top context (either top-level or module scope). It has roughly the following syntax (for full details see the reference):

(import <import-spec> ...)
 (import-expander <import-spec> expander-args ...)
 identifier            ; top or module scope module
 :identifier           ; identifier with ':' prefix, library module
 ./identifier          ; identifier with './' prefix, library relative module
 ../identifier         ; identifier with '../' prefix, library relative module
 "path-to-module-file" ; file module, .ss extension optional

As we can see, import allows macros to manipulate the import set of some import source (a module or another expansion). They can be defined with defsyntax-for-import An example macro is only-in, provided by the prelude:

(import (only-in :std/text/json read-json))

Here we import from :std/text/json only the read-json procedure.

Modules define the set of exported identifiers with the export special form, which must appear at module scope. It has the following syntax:

(export <export-sec> ...)
 #t                                       ; export all defined identifiers
 identifier                               ; export a specific identifiers
 (rename: id name)                        ; export an identifier with a different name
 (import: <module-path>)                  ; re-export all imports from <module-path>
 (export-expander <export-spec> args ...) ; export macro

Similarly to import, export also supports macros, which can be defined with defsyntax-for-export. A common export macro is except-out, provided by the prelude:

(export (except-out #t display-exception))

This form exports all defined symbols, except display-exception. It could be used by the example module A above to the same effect.

File Modules

Modules can be written directly in files, without a surrounding module form. For example, we can place our module A into a file

$ cat > <<EOF
(export with-display-exception)
(extern (display-exception display-exception))
(def (with-display-exception thunk)
  (with-catch (lambda (e) (display-exception e (current-error-port)) e)
> (import "A")

File modules take their name from the including file, so this module is named A and uses A# as the namespace prefix. You can be explicit about the namespace the module uses by having a namespace: id declaration at the top of the module.

You can compile file modules with gxc:

$ gxc -d .
$ gxi
> (import "A")  ; compiled form takes precedence

Library Modules

Library modules are imported with the :library/module/path form. For example, to use the json module from the Gerbil std library you need the following import statement:

(import :std/text/json)

The library module is defined in a file named in the Gerbil std library source tree. The module declares that it is part of the std/text package, which places compiler artefacts in the $GERBIL_PREFIX/lib/std/text directory. The namespace prefix for identifiers defined in the module is std/text/json#.

When writing a library module, you should choose an appropriate package for your code. The package is specified with a package: package-path declaration at the top of a module or with a package: entry in the gerbil.pkg plist. It effects the namespace of the module and placement of compiled code.

By default library modules are looked up in the GERBIL_INSTALL_PREFIX/lib and ${GERBIL_PATH:~/.gerbil}/lib directories. You can specify additional directories to be searched with the GERBIL_LOADPATH environment variable. You can also modify the load-path at runtime with add-load-path.

Building Libraries

This is best illustrated with an example, so let's package the A module above into a library.

For this, we designate example as the library package, and then give the module a more appropriate name. Here, we call it util with the expectation that the library and module will grow further:

$ mkdir example
$ cat > example/gerbil.pkg <<EOF
(package: example)
$ cat > example/ <<EOF
(export with-display-exception)
(extern (display-exception display-exception))
(def (with-display-exception thunk)
  (with-catch (lambda (e) (display-exception e (current-error-port)) e)

You can now compile the library module by invoking gxc and import it as :example/util:

$ gxc example/
$ gxi
> (import :example/util)

By default, the compiler will place compiled modules in ${GERBIL_PATH:~/.gerbil}/lib. If you want a separate directory structure for your library, you can specify a different directory with the -d option:

$ gxc -d your-library-path example/

Executable Modules

The gerbil compiler can also create executables that invoke the main function of a module.

For example, suppose we have a module example/ that we want to compile as an executable module:

$ mkdir example
$ cat > example/gerbil.pkg <<EOF
(package: example)

$ cat > example/ <<EOF
(export main)
(def (main . args)
  (displayln "hello, world"))

The module must define and export a main function that gets invoked with the command line arguments after loading the gerbil runtime and module dependencies.

You can compile it to an executable with gxc with the following command:

$ gxc -O -exe -o hello example/
$ ./hello
hello, world

If you want the compiler to perform full program optimization, then you can specify the -full-program-optimization flag:

$ gxc -O -full-program-optimization -exe -o hello example/
$ ./hello
hello, world

You can also compile the module dynamically so that it can be executed with the gerbil program:

$ gxc -O example/
$ gerbil :example/hello
hello, world

Executable Compilation Modes

The difference between the 3 executable compilation modes can be summarized as follows:

  • By default, executable binaries are compiled with separate module compilation and link to the precompiled gerbil library (libgerbil). If the system was configured with --enable-shared (the default), then this will be a shared library; otherwise it will be a static library archive. Note that the executable may have some additionl dynamic library dependencies from stdlib foreign code, and also links to libgambit which will be a shared library when the system is configured with --enable-shared.
  • When -full-program-optimization is passed to gxc, then the compiler will perform full program optimization with all gerbil library dependencies. This will result in better performance, albeit at the cost of increased compilation time; this can be minutes for complex programs, while separately linked executables compile in a second. Furthermore, because dependencies are compiled in together, you can apply declarations like (not safe) to the whole program using the -prelude directive. This can result in potentially significant performance gains at the expense of safety. Note that an executable compiled with full program optimization still links to libgambit. Also note that you might have to pass appropriate ld-options for the libraries you are linking to, because the compiler cannot determine what you actually need due to the tree shaker and thus cannot simply attach the recorded stdlib library dependencies.
  • An executable module can also be compiled as a plain dynamic module and then executed with the gerbil universal binary (or gxi). This dynamic mode of executables is useful for development, as they compile instantly and do not need to be recompiled while you are working on their dependencies.

Fully Static Binaries

It is also possible to build fully static binaries, provided that your system supports it and you have configured Gerbil with --enable-shared=no. You can do this simply by passing the -static option to gxc or using the static-exe: and optimized-static-exe: specs in your build script.

Note that systems based on glibc are incapable of building fully static binaries, because glibc itself has some dynamic dependencies to lower level libraries. That's unfortunate, but it shouldn't stop you from building fully static binaries: you can simply use Docker with an apropriate image of a distribution based on the musl libc (alpine or void linux for instance).

Prelude Modules and Custom Languages

Every identifier accessible to a Gerbil module has to be defined somewhere, either as a concrete definition or an extern reference. The initial bindings in a module come from the prelude and the root context which is the parent context of every module.

The root context is a special context that contains the core macro expanders that provide the core language. The prelude context on the other hand, is an ordinary module that exports any number of bindings that form the language of the module.

When a prelude is not specified, the default prelude is the Gerbil core prelude. Any module however can designate a different prelude with the prelude: module directive, which allows us to design custom languages.

Apart from standard bindings, custom preludes can also override some special expander indirection hooks by exporting macros with these names:

  • %%ref can intercept and redefine ordinary identifier references.
  • %%app can intercept and redefine ordinary procedure application.
  • %%begin-module can intercept the expansion of a module body and provide custom full or partial expansion.

Language extensibility does not stop there however: prelude modules can also specify a custom surface syntax, by providing a module reader. The custom reader is invoked by using a #lang declaration at the beginning of the module file:

#lang prelude [package: pkg-id] [namespace: namespace-id]

When the expander sources a module that begins with a #lang declaration it imports the prelude and looks for a read-module-body export. The function, which must be defined for syntax, takes as input a the port containing the module body and returns a list of syntax objects which then become the body of the module. The module is then expanded with the usual expansion mechanism, including custom module body expansion as defined by the prelude.

Custom languages are a big topic and this only touches the surface; they are further explored in the Custom Language tutorial.

Implicit Package Declarations

As you have noticed, you don't generally declare the package and the prelude inside a module. This is implicitly handled by creating a gerbil.pkg file in the root of your package, which contains a property list.

The package: property specifies the prefix package at the root of your hierarchy. The package of individual modules will extend this prefix to mirror the directory structure.

The prelude: property specifies an implicit custom prelude for s-expression based languages.

If the gerbil.pkg file is empty, then it is treated as an empty property list. This allows you to simply touch a gerbil.pkg at the root of your source hierarchy when you don't need a custom prelude and use a directory structure that mimics your logical package structure.

Note that you can also place package: and prelude: declarations at the top of your module; this is something you might encounter in older gerbil code or things with special requirements.

Library Relative Module Paths

You can use the dot notation to import library modules using a relative path. Within a library module :A/B/C/D, an import of ./E will resolve to :A/B/C/E, while an import of ../E will resolve to :A/B/E. Upwards traversals can be nested, so ../../E will resolve to :A/E. Downwards traversals are also possible, so ../../E/G will resolve to :A/E/G.

Note that this is merely a syntactic convenience for import that allows you to refer to relative modules with a short module path and still load a library module. Relative module paths are meaningless outside the context for interpreted code.

Core Gerbil Variants

Gerbil comes with a custom language prelude, :gerbil/polydactyl, that treats square brackets as plain parentheses -- instead of the reader expanding them to @list forms. The language is otherwise the same as :gerbil/core.

To use it in a module, add the following lang declaration to the top of your file:

#lang :gerbil/polydactyl

;; ... code ...

To use it in the interpreter, start gxi by specifying polydactyl as the language:

$ gxi --lang polydactyl

The Standard Library

The gerbil standard library is located at src/std; it includes several common libraries (SRFIs, and usual scheme libraries like :std/pregexp, :std/sort, and :std/format), along with many Gerbil-specific libraries. Here we provide examples and brief overview for some of the more interesting Gerbil-specific libraries.

Additional Syntactic Sugar

The :std/sugar library provides some useful macros that are widely applicable. The two most widely used are defrule and try.

The defrule macro is a single arm specialization of defrules for simple syntactic transformations:

(defrule (f a b c)
  (+ a b c))

;; expands to:
(defrules f ()
  ((_ a b c) (+ a b c)))

The try macro provides a special form for handling exceptions in imperative style. For example:

> (try (error "my error")
   (catch (e) (display-exception e (current-error-port)))
   (finally (displayln "finally!")))
my error

The general syntax is

(try body ...
 [catch-clause] ...

 (catch pred => K)
 (catch (pred var) body ...)
 (catch (var) body ...)
 (catch _ body ...)
 (finally body ...)


The :std/iter library provides support for iteration using the iterator protocol. The library also provides macros of the for family for iterating over sequences or other objects that implement the iteration protocol.

Iteration Syntax

The basic iteration macro is the imperative for comprehension. The syntax matches patterns to iterators in parallel, and invokes the body as long as none of the iterators have signalled end of iteration.

For example:

(import :std/iter)

> (for (x '(1 2 3))
   (displayln x))
> (for ((x '(1 2 3))
        (y '#(a b c d)))
  (displayln x " " y))
1 a
2 b
3 c

All patterns supported by the match macro can be matched in lieu of plain variable bindings. For instance:

> (for ([key . val] '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3)))
    (displayln key " " val))
a 1
b 2
c 3

The iteration macro supports the usual suspects for generic iteration: lists, vectors, strings, hash-tables, input-ports, and ranges.

Simple filters can be specified with the when and unless keyword in the binding for:

> (for ([x . y] '((a . 0) (b . 1) (c . 2)) when (> y 0)) (displayln x))
> (for ([x . y] '((a . 0) (b . 1) (c . 2)) unless (> y 0)) (displayln x))

The variant for* performs multi-dimensional iteration, equivalent to nested fors:

> (for* ((x (in-range 2)) (y (in-range 2)))
   (displayln x y))

The values of an iteration can be collected in a list with for/collect:

> (for/collect ((x (in-naturals))
                (y '#(a b c d)))
    (cons x y))
((0 . a) (1 . b) (2 . c) (3 . d))

Finally, the values of an iteration can be folded to produce a value; in this example we construct a reversed list out of an iterator with a folding cons:

> (for/fold (r []) (x (in-range 2 7))
    (cons x r))
(6 5 4 3 2)

Iteration Protocol

Iteration dispatch applies the generic method :iter in order to produce an iterator object. The default implementation calls the method :iter on the object. There are methods for iterating lists, hashes, input-ports, ranges etc.

The easiest way to implement an iterator is through a coroutine procedure. The procedure is coexecuted with the iteration loop, and produces values for the loop with yield:

(def (my-generator n)
 (lambda ()
   (let lp ((k 0))
     (when (< k n)
       (yield k)
       (lp (1+ k))))))

> (for (x (my-generator 3))
    (displayln x))

We can now use this generator to produce an iterator for a user-defined struct:

(defstruct A (x))
(defmethod {:iter A}
  (lambda (self)
    (:iter (my-generator (A-x self)))))
> (for (x (make-A 3))
    (displayln x))


The :std/coroutine library provides support for coroutines yielding results with yield. The user creates the coroutine with coroutine, and receives results with continue which passes control to the coroutine until it yields a value or ends.

For example:

(import :std/coroutine)
(def (my-coroutine)
  (yield 1)
  (yield 2)
  (yield 3)
(def cort (coroutine my-coroutine))
> (continue cort)
> (continue cort)
> (continue cort)
> (continue cort)
'end ; coroutine end

Event Programming

The :std/event library provides procedures and macros for event-driven programming.

wait and select

These are the low level primitives, which wait and multiplex on primitive selectors:

  • Threads, which signal when the thread terminates.
  • Pairs of a locked mutex with a condition variable, which signal when the condition signals after the mutex has been unlocked.
  • Naked i/o condvars, which are signaled by the runtime scheduler.

wait blocks the current thread until the specified selector signals, while select blocks until one of the specified selectors signals, using a thread for each selector. Both procedures accept an optional timeout and return the selector that had signalled or #f in the case of timeout.

(def (wait selector (timeout #f)) ...)
(def (select list-of-selectors (timeout #f)) ...)

For example:

> (import :std/event)
> (def (sleeping-thread t)
    (spawn (lambda () (thread-sleep! t) 'done)))
> (wait (sleeping-thread 5) 1)  ; or (select [(sleeping-thread 5)] 1)
#f                           ; after a second elapses
> (wait (sleeping-thread 5))    ; or (select [(sleeping-thread 5)])
#<thread #7>                 ; after the thread completes its sleep


sync is the high-level synchronization primitive from PLT-Scheme, which works with high level events.

A valid argument for sync is any synchronizable object, automatically wrapped with wrap-evt:

  • events
  • primitive selectors
  • input ports
  • timeouts
  • any object that implements the :event method to return a synchronizable object

An event is

  • the primitive events never-evt (bottom) and always-evt (top)
  • an event object, constructed with make-event or wrap-evt
  • an event-set object, constructed with choice-evt
  • an event-handler object, constructed with handle-evt; it is an event tied with a continuation function which is tail invoked with the value of the event. Multiple continuations can be chained with handle-evt each receiving the values of the previous, starting with the value of the event.

sync accepts an arbitrary number of events as arguments, and returns when exactly one of them is ready. The value of sync is the value of the event: by default, timeouts have a value of #f and other events have usually the synchronizer as value.

For example:

> (import :std/event)
> (def (sleeping-thread t)
    (spawn (lambda () (thread-sleep! t) 'done)))
> (sync 1 (sleeping-thread 5))
#f ; after a second elapses
> (sync (sleeping-thread 5))
#<thread #7> ; after the thread completes its sleep

A more complicated example which utilizes handle-evt for loops:

> (import :std/event)
> (def (sleeping-thread t)
    (spawn (lambda () (thread-sleep! t) 'done)))
> (let lp ((n 0)
           (my-thread (sleeping-thread 5)))
    (sync (handle-evt 1
            (lambda (_) (displayln "timeout " n) (lp (fx1+ n) my-thread)))
          (handle-evt my-thread
            (lambda (thr) (thread-join! thr)))))
timeout 0
timeout 1
timeout 2
timeout 3

Sync Macros

The library also offers a couple of macros, ! and !*, which simplify event driven programming. ! syncs a single event while !* syncs multiple events.

For example:

;; sync on a single thread
(! (sleeping-thread 10) (displayln "my thread exited"))

;; rewrite the previous example loop:
(let lp ((n 0)
         (my-thread (sleeping-thread 5)))
  (!* (1 (displayln "timeout " n) (lp (fx1+ n) my-thread))
       (thread-join! my-thread))))


Gerbil builds on Gambit's thread messaging primitives to provide actor-oriented programming capabilities and remote interactor communication.

What is an actor

At the fundamental level, an actor is a thread that is emitting and responding to messages, usually running in a loop. The actor may be running locally, accessible from other threads within the process, or it can be part of an ensemble of actors running in a substrate of servers.

We give a brief overview of actor oriented programming in what follows.

Sending and Receiving Messages

The basic interaction operators:

  • you can send a message with the -> operator.
  • you can send a message and wait for the reply with the ->> operator.
  • you can receive and react to messages with the <- syntax.
  • you can send a reply in a reaction context with the --> syntax.
  • you can also send a reply conditionally, if one is expected, with the -->? syntax.

Here is an example, where we spawn a very basic actor that receives and responds to a message:

(def (respond-once)
  (<- (greeting (--> (cons 'hello greeting)))))
(def the-actor (spawn respond-once))

> (->> the-actor 'world)
'(hello . world)

The code reacts with the <- reaction syntax, and replies with the --> reply syntax. The reaction pattern binds the content of the message to greeting, which is then sent back consed with hello.

See the actor package reference documentation for more details.


While all this is nice and dandy, we generally want structured interaction with actors that is type-safe.

The :std/actor package provides a defmessage macro for defining messages, together with the !ok and !error messages for structuring responses to request messages. The package also provides a defcall-actor macro for providing facades to actor request/reply interactions These facades automatically unwrap results and return the value if the result was !ok and raise an actor-error if the result was an !error.

Here is an simple example wallet actor that holds a balance and responds to !balance, !deposit and !withdraw messages, and entry points for querying the balance and making desposits and withdrawals:

(defmessage !balance ())
(defmessage !deposit (amount))
(defmessage !withdraw (amount))

(def (wallet-actor balance)
  (while #t
    (<- ((!balance)
         (--> (!ok balance)))
        ((!deposit amount)
         (set! balance (+ balance amount))
         (--> (!ok balance)))
        ((!withdraw amount)
         (if (< balance amount)
           (--> (!error "insufficient balance"))
             (set! balance (- balance amount))
             (--> (!ok balance))))))))

(defcall-actor (balance wallet)
  (->> wallet (!balance))
  error: "balance query failed")

(defcall-actor (deposit! wallet amount)
  (->> wallet (!deposit amount))
  error: "deposit failed")

(defcall-actor (withdraw! wallet amount)
  (->> wallet (!withdraw amount))
  error: "withdrawal failed")

and here is an example interaction:

> (def my-wallet (spawn wallet-actor 100))
> (balance my-wallet)
> (deposit! my-wallet 10)
> (withdraw! my-wallet 20)
> (withdraw! my-wallet 200)
*** ERROR IN (stdin)@26.1 -- withdraw!: [actor-error] withdrawal failed
--- irritants: insufficient balance


So far our actor is limited to communicating with threads within the process. That's fine for many applications, but as you build more complex systems you will need to span processes in the same host and eventually span hosts in the network.

The concept of the ensemble denotes the totality of actors running on a server substrate, perhaps in the Internet at large, and sharing a secret cookie that allows them to communicate with each other.

Note that for communication over the open Internet it is strongly recommended to use TLS.

So how do we build an ensemble? First we need to generate a cookie for our ensemble, which we can do programmatically or using the gxensemble tool:

$ gerbil ensemble admin cookie

This will generate a random 256-bit cookie in ${GERBIL_PATH:~/.gerbil}/ensemble/cookie. Note that it will not overwrite an existing cookie, unless you force it with -f.

The second thing we need to do is modify our actor to register with its in-process actor server. We also add a couple of standard ensemble reaction rules that make our actor behave nicely and submit to management with the gxensemble tool.

Here is the complete code for the actor:

(import :gerbil/gambit/threads
(export #t)

(deflogger wallet)

(defmessage !balance ())
(defmessage !deposit (amount))
(defmessage !withdraw (amount))

(defcall-actor (balance wallet)
  (->> wallet (!balance))
  error: "balance query failed")

(defcall-actor (deposit! wallet amount)
  (->> wallet (!deposit amount))
  error: "deposit failed")

(defcall-actor (withdraw! wallet amount)
  (->> wallet (!withdraw amount))
  error: "withdrawl failed")

(def (wallet-actor balance)
  (register-actor! 'wallet)
  (let/cc exit
    (while #t
      (<- ((!balance)
           (--> (!ok balance)))
          ((!deposit amount)
           (set! balance (+ balance amount))
           (--> (!ok balance)))
          ((!withdraw amount)
           (if (< balance amount)
             (--> (!error "insufficient balance"))
               (set! balance (- balance amount))
               (--> (!ok balance)))))

          ,(@shutdown (exit 'shutdown))
          ,(@unexpected warnf)))))

(def (main initial-balance)
  (thread-join! (spawn/name 'wallet wallet-actor (string->number initial-balance))))

Notice that we also define an entry point for running a server that hosts the wallet.

With all this we can run a server named 'my-wallet-server hosting our wallet in the ensemble as follows:

$ cat gerbil.pkg
(package: tmp)
$ gxc -O

# in one terminal - run this to allow for server registration and lookup
$ gerbil ensemble registry

# in another terminal
$ gerbil ensemble run my-wallet-server :tmp/wallet-actor 100

We can now interact with our actor using a handle in our interpreter:

$ gxi
> (import :std/actor)
> (start-actor-server!)
#<thread #22 actor-server>
> (def my-wallet (make-handle (current-actor-server) (reference 'my-wallet-server 'wallet)))
> (import :tmp/wallet-actor)
> (balance my-wallet)
> (deposit!  my-wallet 10)
;; ... and so on

If we want to shutdown our ensemble we can do so very easily with the gxensemble tool, which is part of the Gerbil distribution:

$ gerbil ensemble shutdown -f
This will shutdown every server in the ensemble, including the registry. Proceed? [y/n]
... shutting down my-wallet-server
... shutting down registry

More about actors

See the Key-Value Store tutorial for a comprehensive example of actor-oriented programming.

See the Working with Actor Ensembles tutorial for more information about how to work with actor ensembles.

See the Actors package documentation for more details in the API available for programming and interacting with actors.

HTTP requests

Gerbil provides a simple interface for making http(s) requests, inspired by python's requests library. Here is an example for how to use the library:

> (import :std/net/request)
> (def req (http-get ""))
> (request-status req)
> (request-text req)
"{\"ip\":\"\",\"country_code\":\"US\",\"country_name\":\"United States\",\"region_code\":\"CA\",\"region_name\":\"California\",\"city\":\"Mountain View\",\"zip_code\":\"94040\",\"time_zone\":\"America/Los_Angeles\",\"latitude\":37.3845,\"longitude\":-122.0881,\"metro_code\":807}\n"
> (hash->list (request-json req))
((country_name . "United States")
    (metro_code . 807)
    (longitude . -122.0881)
    (country_code . "US")
    (latitude . 37.3845)
    (time_zone . "America/Los_Angeles")
    (region_name . "California")
    (ip . "")
    (zip_code . "94040")
    (city . "Mountain View")
    (region_code . "CA"))


Gerbil has library support for JSON with the :std/text/json library. The library provides the following procedures:

(def (read-json (port (current-input-port)) ...)
(def (string->json-object str) ...)
(def (write-json obj (port (current-output-port))) ...)
(def (json-object->string obj) ...)

The mapping of Scheme Objects to JSON objects is similar to other Scheme JSON libraries. The read-json procedure constructs primitive objects (strings, numbers, lists, symbol hashes). The write-json writes JSON objects with the JSON external data representation. The following is a convertible JSON object:

  • booleans, corresponding to true and false
  • #!void, corresponding to null
  • real numbers
  • strings
  • proper lists of JSON objects
  • vectors of JSON objects
  • hashes mapping symbols to JSON objects
  • any object that defines a :json method mapping the object to a JSON object.


Gerbil supports XML and HTML with the :std/xml library. The library supports parsing and querying with Oleg's SXML/SSAX/SXPath and provides additional facilities for processing SXML.

If you want to use libxml2 library for parsing real world HTML, you can install the gerbil-libxml with

$ gerbil pkg install

For example, here is a parse of the bing front page without scripts, style, and CDATA:

> (import :std/net/request :clan/xml/libxml)
> (def req (http-get ""))
> (parse-html (request-text req) filter: '("script" "style" "CDATA"))
(*TOP* (html (head (title "(")
                   (link (@ (rel "stylesheet") (type "text/css") (href "style.css"))))
             (body "\n    "
                   (h1 (@ (id "header")) "(")
                   "\n    "
                   "\n    "
                   (div (a (@ (href "")) (img (@ (src "parens.png")))))
                   "\n    "
                   (div (a (@ (href "robots.html")) "(robots)"))
                   "\n    "
                   (div (a (@ (href "gerbil/index.html")) "(gerbils)"))
                   "\n    "
                   (div (a (@ (href "humans.html")) "(humans)"))
                   "\n    "
                   (div (a (@ (href "nic9/index.html")) "[N1C#09]"))
                   "\n    "

Web Applications

Gerbil offers two options to support web applications:

  • fastcgi with a rack-style interface in :std/web/rack.
  • an embedded http server in :std/net/httpd.

The rack/fastcgi server has been in the standard library since early releases of Gerbil and has a very simple interface familiar from other languages. It works with standard ports so it supported earlier versions of Gambit which didn't have raw devices.

The embedded http server was first introduced in Gerbil v0.12 and utilizes raw devices. It is significantly faster and offers a low level interface oriented towards API programming, and is by now the canonical (and recommended) way to write web applications.

Web programming with rack/fastcgi

This is the obligatory hello web example:

(import :std/web/rack)
(def (respond env data)
  (values 200 '((Content-Type . "text/plain")) "hello, world\n"))
(start-rack-fastcgi-server! "" respond)

The fastcgi web handler is started with start-rack-fastcgi-server! from the std/web/rack library module. The procedure accepts an address where it will listen for fastcgi requests and a handler procedure. The handler accepts two arguments, a hashtable which contains the CGI request environment and the data attached to the request as a u8vector. The handler returns 3 values: the status code for the response, the HTTP headers as an associative list, and the content which can be a string, u8vector or an iterable yielding a stream of string or u8vector data.

Here is a more complex example that prints all request variables to the response:

(def (respond env data)
  (values 200 '((Content . "text/html")) (print-headers env)))

(def (print-headers env)
  (lambda ()
    (yield "<pre>\n")
    (for ((values key val) env)
      (yield (format "~a: ~a\n" key val)))
    (yield "</pre>\n")))

Web programming with the embedded httpd

Here is the hello world example using the embedded httpd:

(import :std/net/httpd)

;; start the httpd
(def httpd
  (start-http-server! ""))

;; define a handler
(def (hello-handler req res)
  (http-response-write res
                       200                                ; status
                       '(("Content-Type" . "text/plain")) ; headers
                       "hello, world\n"))

;; register the handler
> (http-register-handler httpd "/hello" hello-handler)

Here, we start an httpd server, which is a background thread serving HTTP requests. We then register a handler for the /hello path, which will serve all requests for /hello and subpaths.

The handler is a function that accepts two arguments: a request and a response. This handler does not read the response body, and simply responds with hello world with a single http-response-write call.

We can see the handler at work with curl:

$ curl http://localhost:8080/hello
hello, world

For more examples of httpd handlers, see the httpd tutorial.


Gerbil includes builtin support for SQL databases (SQLite, PostgreSQL) in the standard library.

We also provide external packages with drivers for MySQL and key-value stores (LevelDB, LMDB).

SQL Databases

The :std/db/dbi library provides the implementation of the database interface, while individual modules (:std/db/sqlite, :std/db/postgresql) provide the drivers for particular databases.

Here is an example of using the dbi interface with SQLite. First, the necessary imports and a connection to an in-memory database:

> (import :std/db/dbi :std/db/sqlite)
> (def db (sql-connect sqlite-open ":memory:"))

Then we create a simple table with sql-eval, which evaluates an SQL statement:

> (sql-eval db "CREATE TABLE Users (FirstName VARCHAR, LastName VARCHAR, Secret VARCHAR)")

Let's insert some data in our table, using prepared statements:

> (def insert (sql-prepare db "INSERT INTO Users (FirstName, LastName, Secret) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"))
> (sql-txn-begin db)
> (sql-bind insert "John" "Smith" "very secret")
> (sql-exec insert)
> (sql-bind insert "Marc" "Thompson" "oh so secret")
> (sql-exec insert)
> (sql-txn-commit db)

And finally a query:

> (def users (sql-prepare db "SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Users"))
> (sql-query users)
(#("John" "Smith") #("Marc" "Thompson"))

We can also iterate on the results of a query:

> (import :std/iter)
> (for (#(FirstName LastName) (in-sql-query users))
    (displayln "First name: " FirstName " Last name: " LastName))
First name: John Last name: Smith
First name: Marc Last name: Thompson

And we are done, we can close our database connection:

> (sql-close db)

Key-Value Stores

The gerbil-leveldb package provides support for LevelDB, while the gerbil-lmdb package provides support for LMDB.

You can install these packages using the gerbil pkg tool:

# To install the leveldb driver
$ gerbil pkg install

# To install the lmdb driver
$ gerbil pkg install

For example, here we use the LevelDB package for some simple operations:

> (import :clan/db/leveldb
> (def db (leveldb-open "/tmp/leveldb-test.db"))

;; let's put some values
> (leveldb-put db "abc" "this is the value of abc")
> (leveldb-put db "def" "this is the value of def")

;; we can retrieve them -- objects are always stored as u8vectors
> (displayln (bytes->string (leveldb-get db "abc")))
this is the value of abc

;; let's iterate and print the contents of the store
> (let (itor (leveldb-iterator db))
    (leveldb-iterator-seek-first itor)
    (while (leveldb-iterator-valid? itor)
      (displayln (bytes->string (leveldb-iterator-key itor))
                 " => "
                 (bytes->string (leveldb-iterator-value itor)))
      (leveldb-iterator-next itor))
    (leveldb-iterator-close itor))
abc => this is the value of abc
def => this is the value of def

;; we can do the same with a for loop
> (for ((values key val) (in-leveldb db))
    (displayln (bytes->string key)
               " => "
               (bytes->string val)))
abc => this is the value of abc
def => this is the value of def

;; Let's delete a value
> (leveldb-delete db "abc")
> (leveldb-get db "abc")

;; we are done, let's close the db
(leveldb-close db)

The LMDB library is covered in in the Key-Value Store Server tutorial.